Beyond the Norm: Unconventional Motivations for Choosing Private Schools 

With so many choices when it comes to your child’s education, it can be overwhelming to know what school might best serve your student. While public school is a popular option and should always be well considered, private school might offer unique and unusual benefits your student can’t obtain anywhere else.

Unique Philosophies or Teaching Methods

We often have parents inquiring about private schools as they want their student to be taught in “different and more creative ways” than what their public school offers. Certain private schools may follow unconventional teaching methods or educational philosophies that resonate with a particular family's values. This might include schools based on Montessori, Waldorf, or progressive educational approaches, which emphasize experiential learning and individualized instruction. The freedom that private schools have to drive their curriculum and pedagogical approach is noticeable as you visit schools and see their campuses in action!

Class Size and Personalized Learning

One of the biggest benefits of private school are their small class sizes. Fewer students are in each class which allows them to receive individualized attention from their teachers. This level of support allows your student to build a relationship with their teachers and peers, while growing in a learning environment where they are engaged. Collaborative learning with student-driven discussion is often seen in many independent schools, with students sitting in a circular formation rather than rows of desks. Flexibility and personalization is paramount in most private schools and many parents prefer this engaging environment to ensure their child receives the support they require to thrive academically and socially.

Specialized Education

Some private schools offer specialized programs or curricula that cater to specific interests or learning styles. For instance, there are schools focused on serving bright students with dyslexia and language-based learning needs, with other schools centered around equally bright students who have stronger needs for social pragmatic supports. And yet other schools specialize around the arts, music, language immersion, or even outdoor education. Regardless of the specialization, these schools are particularly appealing to parents looking for a tailored approach to their child's education and needs!

Religious or Cultural Values

One of the questions we ask our client families at the onset of our work together is whether or not they have preference for secular schools or not. Families with strong religious or cultural ties may opt for private schools affiliated with their specific faith or cultural background. These schools often integrate teachings and practices that align with the family's beliefs, such as a formal Catholic or Episcopalian Mass service.

With that said, there are many private schools that originated from a religious/church affiliation; however, they view religion more holistically. In essence, they are encouraging religion from a values and mindfulness perspective, with reflective learning as a critical component. You will find students of all faiths attending schools with a religious affiliation, and it creates a wonderful tapestry within their student body community!

Travel Opportunities

Certain private schools may organize unique educational trips, cultural exchanges, or international study programs, allowing students to explore and learn beyond the traditional classroom setting. We are seeing an increase in the number of families seeking experiential learning trips and outdoor expeditions, as part of what they are seeking for their student’s education. More and more schools are creating programing to support this opportunity, either through a “Jan. Term” or “Winterim Term” with trips offered throughout the United States and beyond!

Faculty and Academic Reputation

Private schools are known for their strong academics and experienced teachers. Many private schools focus on academic excellence and are committed to creating graduates who are prepared for college with critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and the work ethic that will prepare them for their years beyond private school. And yes, many private schools have world-renowned tenured faculty, and their affiliated research interests, that some families seek out.

Outside of academics, these faculty also focus on your student’s character development. Private schools help your students learn the values they need to be successful in school and how to create balance beyond the classroom, to carry with them after graduation. Sending your student to private school is a great way to help them grow academically, and as a person.

Unique & Specialized Extracurricular Opportunities

Some families approach us seeking out schools with particular sports or performing arts opportunities, because their student is already involved at a high level. Other parents are seeking out these opportunities at a private school, because it will allow a more simplified schedule and increased involvement. Whatever the case, the reality is that independent schools have a wide array of extracurricular activities that your student can participate in. From expanding on their current passion to learning a new skill, extracurricular activities are a great way to encourage your student to try something new, push themselves, and find community. Private schools often offer exclusive extracurricular activities, such as specialized sports programs (e.g. skiing, hockey, snowboarding, equestrian, etc.), performing arts opportunities, or hands-on vocational training that is not available in local public schools. And one of the greatest benefits to independent schools that we can think of when it comes to extracurricular offerings? Most private schools have a “no cut” policy, so there is always a spot on a team for every student to get involved, regardless of their level!

By choosing private school, you’re investing in your student’s future, both in and out of the classroom. My greatest hope is that whatever school your child attends, they will find a love for learning. I was fortunate that my parents recognized I needed this and I often tell people that Northfield Mount Hermon School taught me how to study to learn, rather than studying to pass. It was this phenomenal education that I was given that fostered my love for learning, curiosity, and critical thinking. When children are exposed to a supportive and stimulating learning environment, they develop a thirst for knowledge that can stay with them throughout their lives.

When you need support in exploring private school options for your student, we’re here to help!


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