From Start to Strong Finish: Supporting Your Student in the Second Semester

Real talk here! When your student knows they will be heading off to private school in the upcoming school year, it can be hard for some kids! Some kids just “check out” and others may get super anxious knowing a transition is coming up, while others buckle down and go into overdrive. So yes, as a parent it’s tricky to know what’s to come this second half of the school year! And for the students, it’s hard to balance finishing up what private schools need from them, and anticipating what’s to come. Since we’ve helped dozens of families through this time of year, we have put together a few strategies to assist families in supporting their students during their last semester or term before summer!

Encourage Open Conversations about Finishing Strong

Starting the last semester of the school year can fill your student with anticipation of the summer time, and even next fall. But it’s important for your student to understand that their second semester grades still count towards their acceptance into private school!

Although fun is very important for students in their last semester of the school year, finishing with a strong academic record is equally important. Encourage your student to stay focused and committed to closing out the school year. Check in with your kids to see how school is going and how they’re feeling. Normalize talking about how things are feeling, so they’ll share with you! If your student is struggling in any subject, make sure they know you’re willing to support them to get the help they need. For example, suggesting they spend time with a tutor or seeking out their teacher for extra help questions.

Help Them Step Into Confidence

There are a lot of changes coming in your students' lives. And while they are mostly exciting, some can be quite anxiety provoking. Having open conversations with your student can help them feel confident in their next academic step. Asking them what they are nervous about and encouraging them to see that it’s not as intimidating as they thought can help them feel more confident going into their second semester. Help your student see that the uncertainty they are facing is a challenge and a fantastic learning opportunity. One way to do this is to model confidence in yourself! Sharing examples of when you’ve felt anxious yourself helps kids internalize that it’s okay to feel the way they’re feeling. Another way to help bolster confidence is to praise and celebrate their effective effort. Focus on what you saw them doing, actual behaviors and actions they took to succeed or even fail, and honing in on what they learned from that effort and experience!

Encourage Meaning & Connection

Although your student is preparing for new changes, encourage them to stay present. It’s exciting to think about the future and all the fun they will be having next year, but don’t let that get in the way of them participating in extracurricular activities, seeing their friends, or trying new activities! Rather than allowing them to focus their energies on the future, encourage them to stay grounded by being present in the here and now. Helping your students to find their successes and enjoy themselves is a confidence building skill that will always be useful in their personal and professional life.

With these insights in mind, your student is prepared to close out the second semester of the school year on the right foot. If you have a student who has already entered the private school world, what advice would you add?


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