How to Maintain Your Sanity AND Show Interest in Private Schools

The start to the school year is always a bit stressful, and for parents & students embarking on the private school admissions process it may feel all the more nerve-wracking! Among the many aspects that bring on angst and undue stress is the notion of “demonstrating interest” in a private school. Real talk here: STOP! Full on STOP! Don’t let it be an added stressor! While showing your enthusiasm for a particular institution is essential, it doesn't need to be an overwhelming or anxiety-inducing process. Here are some tips on how not to drive yourself (and your student) nuts while trying to show demonstrated interest in the private school admissions process.

1. Prioritize Authenticity Over Quantity: If you’re a loyal reader of my articles, you know how much I care about being authentic!. The same holds true here. Demonstrated interest should reflect your genuine interest in a school. Attending every open house, emailing admissions officers daily, or going to extremes to stand out may not be productive. In fact, it simply isn’t productive. Instead, focus on meaningful interactions that align with your true interests and values.

2. Research is your Compass: Take the time to research and understand each school's culture, values, and educational offerings. Identify the schools that genuinely resonate with your family's needs and priorities. As they say, “Research is the compass and learning is the journey; together they navigate the path to wisdom.” This selective approach will allow you to invest your time and energy where it matters most.

3. Attend Events That Matter: While open houses and campus tours are valuable, you don't need to attend every event a school offers. Stay abreast of the opportunities to learn about extracurricular activities and areas of interest to you and your student. Choosing events aligned with offerings that you care about will provide you with more precision to ask meaningful questions.

4. Thoughtful Questions Open Doors: When you do attend events or communicate with admissions representatives, ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your genuine interest. This not only helps you gain valuable information but also shows that you've done your homework. For students, asking thoughtful questions can set them apart from other applicants who may not have made the effort to engage deeply with the school.

5. Be Mindful of Boundaries: It's important to engage with schools, but respect boundaries. I speak from experience when I say that my admissions colleagues are busy professionals! Overly persistent or intrusive communication can have the opposite effect of what you intend. Strive to make your communication a rhythm of grace, if you will.

6. Remember the Bigger Picture: Keep in mind that demonstrated interest is just one aspect of the admissions process. Understand that not every school weighs demonstrated interest in the same way. Some may place more emphasis on it than others. Schools consider various factors, including strength of character, academics, recommendations, and interviews. Focus on finding the right fit for your student’s education and being true to who they are will yield wonderful results!

Yes, demonstrating interest in the private school admissions process should be a manageable and purposeful endeavor. By prioritizing authenticity, conducting thorough research, and maintaining a balanced approach, you can navigate the process without driving yourself crazy. Remember that finding the right school is about compatibility and fit, and your sincere efforts will shine through!


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